Tuesday 8 January 2013

Raul Menendez Character Bio

The Shadow bio
Basic statistics
name    Raul Menendez

alias     Menendez

height  5ft 8 1/2

weight ?

sex      Male

Eye colour    Brown (Only one eye)

hair colour     Grey

glasses or contact lenses  Glass eye

nationality     Nicaragua

skin colour    White

shape of face     Oval

Distinguishing features 
clothing         Professional, suits

mannerisms    Rude, cool but threatening

health         Normal health for his age

habits          Likes to cause chaos, destruction of cities, controlling armies etc.

hobbies      technology (UAV drones, military technology

favourite sayings     "Come my friends. 'Tis not too late to seek a newer world."

voice      Spanish accent

walking style   Casual

disabilities        Visibility in one eye

characters greatest flaw       Rage from within

characters best quality         Genius

Social characteristics 
hometown       Haiti

Current residents     Militia, DeFalco, himself

occupation       Revolutionary leader

income            a very large amount of money and military supplies

talents skills       Ex-soldier, survival skills

family status           Parents: deceased
                                Sister: murdered

character as a child       Family died in house fire

character as an adult        homicidal, maniac

Attributes and Attitude 
educational background     Educated

intelligence level            very high

characters goals             world domination, revenge for his sister

self esteem                    very high

confidence                    very high, not afraid to overstep the mark

emotional state               Ruled by emotion

Emotional characteristics 
motivation                  determined to seek revenge over his sister's death

happiness                  unhappy

relationships             DeFalco (right hand man) most trusted revolutionary in Menendez's army

fear                           His past haunts him with the vision of his sister's death in his family home

introvert extrovert         extrovert, likes to strike fear into his enemies by giving away his plan

Spiritual characteristics
Religious (religious marks found in his house(Chrisitan))

Characters involvement in this story 
archetype  The Shadow

Timeline    Death of his family, death of his sister, loss of vision in right eye due to his sister's murderer, death of his sister's murderer(Alex Mason) , the suffering of Mason's son.

environment     Physically affects him, sees his past(death of his sister)

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